鋼管藝術 - 最新BEKING SINTESI手製鋼管車 January 3, 2016 19:55 34 Comments

最新BEKING SINTESI鋼管車用上日本丹下Tange Prestige Japan* 鋼管手工制造,加上每台由師傅人手塗裝上色,每部獨一無二。車架用LUG連接用上,古典又堅固,又是一部可玩十多二十年以上嘅藝術品。 而鋼管車好玩之處是每部份雕琢講究,由7字頸、把布、坐椅、頭碗、到用舊Campy套件(有車友比我地睇過全套舊銀色dura ace件,靚到呢~),追求一股復古的美感,而輪組更加係大家講到不亦樂乎嘅地方,如比你揾到對舊版銀色Shamal~ 真係飄飄然架。同碳纖車架經常提到嘅一步到位唔同(有錢買就得),要揾舊件襯車,一步一步集齊換上去好唔同架。 而由人手精心烤漆塗裝,更顯得每部都有靈魂及與眾不同,經典拉花、顏色漸變、電鍍LUG、電鍍前叉尾叉、再加上個人化簽名,就算唔踩,放響到欣賞都超正!!

*再介紹一下網材選用,TANGE Prestige有兩個等級:一個是標準的prestige,另一個是更高一接的prestige "Japan"(Sintesi選用),是從日本進口的高級管材,更好的地方是在於它的測試強度跟重量比prestige更好一點,還有"真直度"的嚴格要求。(管材如果不夠直,車架燒焊的時候誤差會比較大,進而影響車架整體的強度)

Frame Weight::
size 46 / 1,408g
size 49 / 1,444g
size 51 / 1,492g
size 54 / 1,542g
fork: 598g

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BE KING Sintesi uses TANGE prestige japan to build up a light weight, compliant yet stiff frame for those riders who cater for swift acceleration and comfortable feedback on uneven surfaces.

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

We promise every Sintesi is unique. The airbrush decals and colors are decided by the builder; therefore, there will be only one Sintesi for yourself. While many manufacturer choose to mass produce their products, we still believe that to make every detail by hand is the only way to build a bike with soul.

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

We thoroughly take care of all the details to make your bike an art work.

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

Special wishbone shaped seat stay is regarded as a beautiful decoration itself. But it's more than an art design: It dampens and absorbs the shock from the road and still give a good feeling of support on the ascent.

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

We can also integrate your personal autograph into the frame to make it "your own bike". Simply send us of your autograph or provide the name, and we will paint it onto the top tube.

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

An steel frame artwork must have beautiful carves in the lugs.

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

we changed the old style drop out to fit the nowaday common wheel sets. Therefore the rider can select the appropriate wheels for the route they are going to ride.

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

檢視更多圖片~~ 睇完d相,你地又打算點樣襯好部車呢?


BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車

BEKING Sintesi steel bike 鋼管車